Translation experiment.
I recently found as a book marker this activity guide/advertisement from some 17 years ago. I decided to help my students here to work on translating it for extra lessons in Portuguese (Portuguese originl put in full bellow). Here it is:
«Try the experiment
Necessary material
- Computer
- Access to the internet
1. Go to the site and select «Create Your Blog Now».
2. Fill out the form with your data.
3. Pick out a name for your blog (with the same account you may create various).
4. Pick out the model that you like the most - this shall be the graphic aspect of your blog.
5. And there, you already created your blog. Now it is just starting to write down and giving the adress to your friends so that they may appreciate your literary creations!
This is one of the services available for the creation of blogs. There exist many others, including even in Portuguese, as the Sapo (http:/ / and others more in vocation to the photography, like the Fotolog (http:/ /
With the finality of going to encounter a growing necessity of information and environmental formation, in a period in which the relation of man with nature and the environment is each time more in the order [of the] day, the Visionarium goes to promote the fulfiling of a course of Environmental Education, in the following days April 14 and 15 [2005]. The objective of this action passes by endowing the participants of the necessary (in)formation on thematic, as well as providing clews for a better management of the natural resources. The course whose program is composed by a cycle of conferences and an exit unto camp, destines itself to all the interested parties on the environmental issues and not merely to specialists, but shall have particular interests for the professors of Biology, Geology and Geography. The interested parties shall contact with the Clube Visionarium through the telephone 256 370 627 and/or to the email
Earth Odyssey | Life Odyssey |Matter Odyssey | Universe Odyssey | Information Odyssey | Auditorium | Experimentarium |Temporary Exhibits | Thematic Gardens
And afterwards there is our club...
(consult our website at or phone to 256-370609)»
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