
A mostrar mensagens de outubro, 2023

A Visage for the gods

Taking the title from a pioneer early paper in pre-Christian Portuguese reconstructionism by Manuel Francisco Soares do Patronício ( Um Rosto para os Deuses )  and the more recent similar paper Figurar o Panteão: uma interpretação visual das divindades indígenas sob influência romana em Portugal ("Picturing the Pantheon: a visual interpretation of the indigenous deities under Roman influence in Portugal") , I wanted to contribute to an idea of the aesthetic portrayal of the ancient gods of the Gallaecian and Lusitanian peoples from current Portugal and Spanish Galicia, historical region of León and Extremadura. Taking some "cues" from the named paper and the self-criticisms in the now reference in English text on the subject by Carlos Albuquerque , here are some possible ancient and more modern somew h at accurate way to portrait some deities probably not portrayed the best: Albuquerque commented that given that there are other statues of healing, underworld and po...

The péréré (Portuguese disco ball dance)

The péréré  (from the indigenous south American Tupi language word " pererek-a ", which means "hopping along" and also a rhyme with " e o teu [ nome ] qual é ", "and yours [= your name] what is it") is a musical dance subgenre created within the Portuguese pimba (something like "wham", a sort of hornier country pop) by singer Rebeca in 1998-99. It isn't a genre we got collections, best ofs and other known practicioners besides the namer (in the 2013 song O meu nome é Rebeca , "My name is Rebeca"). But you can recognise it if it sounds like this: . To dance it, it is like this: First you give two short steps onwards, t hen two normal sized steps backwards, then you put a hand on your waist and improvise free style around, then you give two short steps to the left, then two short steps to the right, then you put a hand on your waist and improvise free style around, then, again, you give two short steps onwards, t hen two no...

October 15th, 1910: establishment of the Portuguese Republic (and how Hollywood distorted and how to undistort it)

Today is the 123rd anniversary of the establishment of the Portuguese monarchy. As a kind of memento, here is the scene on it and the early-mid I (1st) Portuguese Republic in the 1952 US-American film "The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima", which (through a Cold War lense) distorted the liberal-jacobin Portuguese republican revolution and its clientelist dominant-party semi-democratic regime into a pioneering bolshevik revolution leading to a "people's democracy" dictatorship, and how I would edit it to be the most accurate possible (aside the random moving of the day of the first apparition from May 13th to May 15th for some reason). Spot the differences. [ Hoje é 123º aniversário da implantaçã o da república portuguesa. Como uma espécie de recordação, aqui está a cena sobre isso e o início-meado da I (/1.ª) República Portuguesa no filme estado-unidense de 1952  The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima , o qual (através de umas "lentes" da Guerra Fria) distorce...