Sanchoniaton in Portugal?
From Even a marxian historian as Gwyn Williams considered that «Historians should examine myths». As such I got to examin a given myth: the full version in Greek of the Phoenician History by a mythified (Homer-style) author called Sanchoniaton or in Portuguese Sanconíaton / Sanconíato found allegedly found in Portugal and published in Germany in Greek and translated into Latine. Being "agnostic" about the veracity of that Sanchoniaton manuscript in Portugal, let me summarise (mainly out of the books themselves, facsimile of the Greek original and translations into German and Latin , from 1836 and '37, and out of the articles in French and English on the original editions) what we know of the issue: 1. In 1836 i is presented in Hannover to the orientalist F. G. Grotefend the transcription of a Greek manuscript by a certain Friedrich (Fr.) Wagenfeld, who said that the original transcribed arrived to him from P...