
A mostrar mensagens de janeiro, 2024

Portuguese Christmas songs (which may turn into January songs)

 The Christmas repertoire of Portugal, as common in Catholic  and Orthodox countries is mostly (Christian-)faith-based (descriptions of the several elements and details of the Nativity story from Gabriel's annunciation of Mary's immaculate conception all the way to the exile in Egypt, in whole or in part, describing worshipping the Deus menino /God infant/baby Jesus in the manger He was born in according to Luke, describing the Virgin Mary during the Nativity story or family scenes during the early life of Jesus, and when expressions of things common in more secularised Christmas songs like giving, family and community coming together, the sadness of being poor on Christmas or the cold weather appear they tend to be given through singing on the Magos /Magi/Wisemen Kings, the Sagrada Família /Holy Family, the worship of the poor shepherds or the poor first Christmas of Jesus and his family). That being said, some luso Christmas songs also describe: the (Christian-)faith-based ...